Priceless Waiting

Joe Busick
Feb 24, 2021

A Poem

Our teeth grit and gnash wishing to add to our stash.
“Now! Not later. Waiting’s for suckers and haters.”
Your time spent complaining and not contemplating
How much better off you’d be, if you waited, patiently.
Priceless, this waiting, yet oh so frustrating.
But rewards that come later, in truth, they are greater
Then those that are found nearby, on the ground.
As great the prize might be that is had immediately
More valuable by far are the stories, the scars,
The friends, and enemies, the laughter, and memories.
The highs and the lows, even ones that blow,
Transform us and mold us, without all the fuss
Of the rushing and pining and childish whining
Of an adult refusing, with little to no musing,
To wait for a bit without throwing a fit.



Joe Busick

Writing to find myself. Sharing my learnings in life, love, health, and mindfulness. If you’d like to support me, please follow this link: